
Saturday, July 28, 2018

104 Fish!!!

I got an opportunity to fish with dad, brother, and brother-in-law on Friday in the Delta.  We launched at Eight Miles Road in Stockton.  The launching fee was $15.00.  My objective was to catch a big whopper of a striped bass.  But, first we must catch bait 😀

We left my home at dark thirty (That's 5:30 AM!).  I didn't watch the time after that.  We got to the first fishing spot to catch bait, which was blue gill.  Dad and big bro were at the back of the boat, while myself and bro-in-law were at the bow.  Within a short time, dad and big bro had TEN blue gill in the bucket; at the front of the boat, there was NONE!  We were all using the same setup (hi-lo rig); so "What's up?!!??!"  I decided to use the bait that dad and big bro. were using; then, "Fish on!"  As it turned out, at the front of the boat, we were using dead Canadian crawlers and the blue gill weren't having any of it.  When we switched over to live red worms, we all started getting some.  Big bro. even got himself a cat fish!  Haven't seen one of those in a very long time....

We moved location because dad was impatient that the action was not constant.  At the second location, at one moment, to my surprise, my ultra lite rod went bonkers!  I was struggling to keep the four pound test line from breaking.  It was a good thing the drag on the reel worked to perfection!  Finally, I saw the fish...  and, there were two of 'em.  The cat fish was on the upper hook and a blue gill was on the bottom hook!  I got a two for one!

TWO fish at once
Another short time later (Remember? No time?  Only God's time), I landed a huge blue gill!  It was the biggest blue gill of the day, a 10.5-incher!!!  That's a biggie for me, because most of the blue gill only average 5 inches.
Fattest Blue Gill ever for JU

God is good!

We went on to a third location to try to use the blue gill as bait to catch a big whopper striped bass.  While we were waiting for striped bass action, we loaded up on the blue gill action.  In between, we even got a bass and another cat fish!

At the end of the day, SKUNK on the targeted fish, the striped bass; however, we had four limits of blue gill; three bonuses on the cat fish; and, one extra on the bass.

All in all, it was a very blessed fishing day!

Ultra lite fishing poles are the way to go.

Clay pot cat fish for dinner.

Let's change location.  It's been a minute and no bite yet😂
Can you say: "Fish fry!"
May God bless your day!
-JU signing out

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