
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Monkey Is Off My Back!

Last week I got an invite to go bass fishing with Grandmaster Fisherman (GMF).  To say that I am excited is an understatement!  I am not a very good bass fisherman, but I love targeting and learning about arguably America's favorite sport fish!!!  To prepare myself, I re-read "Advanced Bass Fishing Skills."

Only my Holy Bible has more foot notes :-)

I also setup a specific tackle box just for bass fishing.

I need a bigger box!

Wouldn't you know it, I got the wrong type of hooks and the jig heads were too light :-)  And out of the 50 plus fishing poles in my possession, I brought the two trout poles that are a little stiff for bass action?!?!?!  Fortunately, GMF has about 50 plus fishing poles on his boat ready for bass action... Okay, maybe 30 plus :-).  He also has the proper hooks, jig heads and plastic grubs too.

10 AM at Folsom Lake:
Calm and beautiful.
My memory is a bit hazy, but I believe the first pass, while I was drifting a live minnow, GMF hooked a fat bass using a plastic worm with a split shot about two feet up!!!  It was surreal.  I didn't take a picture of it, but believe me, it's not your normal 1 pounder.  Then things slowed down and we tried a bunch of different techniques and didn't get anything until around lunch time.  GMF got the second one with a live minnow.  Again, we drifted live minnows with a no. 5 split shot, 2-foot leader and an Eagle Claw Kahle Hook no. 10.  This time it was more of a normal sized bass.

So we left GMF's home around 8:20 AM.  I don't remember the exact time we hit the waters, but we were on our last drift of the day near 2 PM, that's when it happened.  I concentrated on drifting my minnow and had the pole in hand, when I felt the tug.  I remembered what GMF taught me and that is NOT to set the hook!!!  Just lift the pole up when you feel the fish load up.  That's exactly what I did.  The result is a beautiful spotted bass!!!  The monkey is off JU's back!!!  First fish for 2017!!!

JU's First Fish for 2017!!!

Notes for next bass fishing trip:  1. Bring the proper hooks (Eagle Claw Kahle Hook no. 10 & Gamakatsu no. 1 wide gap worm hook or no. 2 straight worm hook.)  And, 2. Bring lighter, more flexible poles.

Since I didn't take any pictures of GMF with his fish, I leave you with a picture of his friend's fish from last week at Folsom Lake:
GMF's friend from last week @ Folsom Lake

Here are cool random pictures that GMF sent me:

So true...

Trout season is coming...

Friday, March 24, 2017

Six and a Half Pound Bass!!!

I can count the number of times that I went bass fishing with my fingers.  This is most likely the reason why my success rate isn't very good when it comes to bass fishing.  I believe my biggest bass was caught many moons ago at Folsom Lake with my favorite Z-Ray, weighing at most 1.5 pound.

Yesterday, Grandmaster Fisherman (GMF) sent me a picture of a 6.56 pound bass that was caught and released!!!  I gotta confess, I have never seen a bass that big in real life, only in picture :-(

So, here's the picture:

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Still ZERO Fish

Wow!  It's been over a month since my last blog and sadly to report that I have not been fishing!

However, I am going to wet your appetite by posting some pictures from my dear friend, Grandmaster Fisherman (GMF).

Here is one of GMF's friend with a beauty from Oregon.

Chetco River, OR

On the 23rd of February, I received a text from GMF to get to Discovery Park to witness over 400K steelies being released.  I couldn't make it, so he sent me these two pictures.

Some of these will come back bigger!

GMF could have just picked this one up :-)

Hunting was a success for GMF and family too.

Young Master

Beautiful family picture with the catch of the day.

Here's a perch that I had to google to confirm that it's a striped sea perch :-)

Scout Master with a striped sea perch.

Now, I have been making more salmon spinners for the upcoming season.  Here is the picture of the latest collection.

Until next time....  Tight lines!