
Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Miracle Kids Have Landed at Lake Kirkwood

It seems like a good day to visit Lake Kirkwood.  It helps that it was on the list of California Department of Fish & Wildlife trout stocking for the week of July 7th.

View from da "Spot"

View from da "Spot"

View from da "Spot"

View from da "Spot"
View from da "Spot"

JU, Mrs. M., Miracle Kids, and Cousin left Sac at 0630 hours.  We arrived at the Lake at 0830.  The words about the trout stocking was out.  The Lake was crowded with fishermen.  Not wanting to hike, JU went to the nearest point from the van to the lake, which was the main boat ramp.  JU cast out his line perpendicular to the main boat ramp and immediately two lines were cast over his from right to left.  JU reeled up his line and commanded the troops to hike to the "honey hole," the best ever spot to fish at Lake Kirkwood.  Meanwhile, Miss Z2daThird was zzz-ing away in the van.

The team picked up and hiked to the "honey hole."  Darn, there were already two fishermen there.  JU continued along the Lake until there were no fisherman near by.  Miss Mystic setup the first rod, while JU double back to help the rest of the team hike to the spot.  On the way back, the two fishermen were not at the "honey hole" anymore.  What's up with that?  JU was too lazy to move the rest of the equipment, so he continued on the fetch the rest of the team.  By the time he made it back, Miss Mystic said, "I just missed one."  JU  then setup three more fishing poles for the team; thus, there were a total of four fishing poles out.  All were baited with orange power balls.  The action was NON-STOP with (Click on the link to see a video of Mrs. M. and Master Fisherman with a double hookup!) double and sometimes triple hookups!  JU had to pack away one pole so the action could be more manageable.  What a great problem to have :-)

Mrs. M. with fish on!

During all the action, JU hiked back to the van to fetch water.  JU ran into the fishermen that abandon the "honey hole."  Talking with them, JU found out that they were a father/son team that camped at Lake Kirkwood for the past 5 days.  They said during that time, they've only caught 5 fish.  As a matter of fact, they've only caught one for the day.  Bob, the dad, asked JU, "How did you guys do?  I saw you passed us."  JU said the kids already caught 12.  It was around 1000 hours.  Bill said his son Tom (16 years old) only caught one so far.  JU promised to set them up as soon as he delivered the water to the troops.   In the van,  JU told Miss Z2daThird to find the team on the left side of the Lake when she arises.

JU managed to lug the entire cooler to the spot.  With Mrs. M. and the kids content, JU came back and talked with Bob and Tom.  It turned out that Bob was 73 years old camping and fishing with his adopted son Tom.  Bob had been married 53 years with two children of his own and two adopted kids.  JU tied the line for Tom and gave him some orange power balls and green power balls.  JU told them one limit of five trout could be caught using and reusing the same two balls.  Then JU went back to fish some more.

Back at the spot, JU decided it was time just to kick back and enjoy the show.  Fishing is quite a team sport.  Do you know, it takes thee individuals to remove the hook from a trout?  One to hold the fish (Master Fisheman, 8 years old), one to hold the line (Cousin, 10 years old), and one to remove the hook (The Monk, 13 years old).  Everyone landed trout except for Miss Zzz.  She decided to join us around 1130 hours.

Takes 3 to remove a hook :-)

Enjoying the show.
Click on this link to see me in action!

Finally around noon, the kids decided that they had enough excitement for one day.  They wanted to go home.  The total count was 26 rainbow trout!!!

Another successful fishing trip.
Basket of 26 trout!

On the way out, we ran into Bob and Tom.  Tom exclaimed excitedly, "I caught four more.  The trout won't let go of the bait you gave me!"  Tom had caught one all day before JU setup his rig and  gave him some power balls.  Another satisfied fisherman!

We got home around 1600 hours.  We invited gramps over for a fish fry.  Mrs. M. did her magic.  The fish were delicious.  All we had to do was pull out the middle bones and ate the rest.  Even MT (four years-old) ate one by herself!  JU had decided that for 10 incher trout, this was the best way to prepare and enjoy them, even better than smoked trout.

Featuring New Member of Team United, Inc., Speedy Fisherman!

Cousin had never caught a fish in his life.  Thus while fishing with Master Fisherman and the Monk at Lake Kirkwood, he was very sluggish.  He could not tell if the fish was biting.  He could not set the hook, that is, until he was bitten by a radioactive mosquito.  His blood was injected with an amazing serum that enabled him to learn tasks at an accelerated rate.  Not only was he able to recognize a fish bite, he set the hook at an amazing speed.  He is now known as Speedy Fisherman!  “How many fish did you catch today?”  “I caught five!” ;-)  See how fast he learns?

Introducing: Speedy!

Some of you have asked me to let you know when I pen another adventure.  If you subscribe by entering your E-Mail address in the box to the right of the screen, under "Follow By Email," then click on the "Submit" button, you will get an E-Mail sent to you whenever I post a new blog :-)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Introducing "Ace"

Nomad was a fisherman who was carefree.  He loved long hikes to explore the beauty of the surrounding environment.  When he fished the streams in the Sierras, he roamed from rock to rock in search of that elusive trout.  He never kept track of time.  Hint, if you were fishing with him, don't let him out of your sight or you might not leave on time :-)  Once while fishing, hopping from rock to rock, looking for da big one, he accidentally slipped and fell into the stream and swallowed the invigorating refreshing stream water.  His body chemistry changed.  He gained the strength of 10 men, his eyes sharpened, and his grips firmed....  Nomad is no more....  In his place, introducing... "Ace"!

Ace in action

Faster than a speeding snake

Elusive trout no more

Monday, July 8, 2013

Independence Day in the Sierras

7/3 - We arrived in South Lake Tahoe before 10 pm just before K-mart closing time.  JU forgot to bring life jackets for the Ave Maria.  Bought new life jackets just before closing time.  The Wiz and Nomad were already at the cabin.  We planned out the following day trip at Indian Creek Reservoir (ICR): 4 poles in the Ave Maria and 4 poles from the banks.  The poles used for trolling had setup taught by the Pro from the American River, i.e., crank bait with modified single hooks.  Rods from the banks had sliding sinkers with 3' leader.  The go to Orange Power Ball would be used for bank fishing.  Sweet dreams of catching big fish was very comforting as we retired for the night....

Any life jackets?
7/4 - The Wiz and JU did an early dark thirty run.  We visited Carson River at Chrystal Spring.  There were already two campers by the fishing hole, plus two additional vehicles parked.  You knew they were serious fisherman when they slept in their campers to wait for legal fishing time.  We didn't bother getting our fishing lines wet.  We went instead to Woodsford Bridge.  There were three fishermen on the East Side of Carson River.  We went to the West Side.  JU got a couple of hookups using the Thomas, but nothing was brought to net.  We then scouted Markleeville Creek and Carson River at Carson Cabins.  The water at Carson Cabins was very murky and brownish.  No hits at the site.

We came back to the cabin for breakfast.  MT saw the neighbors' U.S. Flag hung proudly.  She said to Nomad, "You're not thankful because you don't have your flag."  Immediately, Nomad went into the cabin and came back with a beautiful U.S. Flag and tied it to the outside lamp holder.  "I'm thankful
now," said Nomad, to which MT responded, "You're not thankful because you don't have your flag holder!" "?!?" Nomad roared in laughter.

"You don't have your flag holder!"
By around 11 am, we landed at ICR.  It was July 4th, but no one was at the group camp site and no one was at the parking lot!  We felt like millionaires with our own resort.  The weather was hot (~80 degrees?  Geez).  Mrs. M and the kids hung around the picnic tables by the boat ramp in the shades.  They did not want to get the lines wet.  The Wiz, Nomad and JU trolled using techniques taught by the Pro for use in catching steelhead in the American River.  Less than a minute of leaving the the boat ramp, BAM!  First fish landed: a nice 15" Lahontan Cutthroat Trout (LCT).  We had trouble getting to the dam because of the weeds growth.  We had to resort to paddles a few  times.  Finally near the dam, we spoke with a fisherman in a float tube.  He said he already landed 11.  So we trolled by the dam.  The Wiz and Nomad both had take downs, but no hookups.  That was the first round.  On the second pass, wham!  JU landed another one 15" LCT.  Looking at the menacing clouds, we headed for shore.  It was before 1 pm.  Two nice fish for a couple of hours of trolling time.  Awesome!

These have all landed trout!

Done by 1 pm

"Hurry, they're heavy."

Lahontan Cutthroat Trout

After supper, Nomad and JU went for an everning run.  We stopped by Chrystal Spring.  This time there was one lone fly fisherman.  He said he landed a few.  JU fished opposite side of the river from the fly fisherman.  Nomad did what he does best: venturing up and down the river in search of fish.  In a short time, JU snagged and lost his Thomas.  JU went up to the truck and grabbed a spare rod with a Panther Martin spinner.  First cast: fish on, fish off.  Second cast: fish on!  The fish fought hard, but was netted.  The hook fell off while the fish was in the net.  Turned out that one of the prong from the treble hooks had broken off some time in the past.  JU landed a 15" Rainbow on a defective spinner with duo hooks rather than treble hooks.  Wahoo!

7/5 - JU went scouting the Carson River at dark thirty at four different locations.  Several hookups, but no keeper.  JU talked with a fisherman from Stockton.  He had 3 on his stringers.  He said the trout were planted Tuesday.  However, with heavy pressure, they were very finicky.  He resorted to worms and salmon eggs instead of artificial lures to get his catch for the day.

After breakfast and another trip to K-Mart to get fishing lines at 75% off.  Team United, Inc. proceeded to Silver Lake around 30 miles from the cabin.  On the way, we saw lots of the tourist locations filled with cars.  We went by our secret location and walked down to the lake.  JU missed the original trail by 50 yards.  So we improvised and started taking another path down to the lake.  On the way we talked with the brother of the owner of the cabin who assured us we can't get lost.  All paths lead to the lake.  As a matter of fact, he told us there were already two lounge chairs by the beach and we were free to use them!  A short hike of three minutes top, we arrived at a private beach with a dock and two lounge chairs.  We used 3 fishing poles rigged with Orange Power Balls and fished straight out from the dock.  We fished from noon to 3:30 pm at the worst hours for fishing.  However, we landed 10 fish on 3 poles.  Nomad landed 5 by himself!  Once again, we had the entire beach to ourselves.  We picked up and went back to the cabin for some R & R.  We had a delicious dinner which included the fresh trout.  We are blessed!

Surfing - Wait, shouldn't have shown the dock!

Uh, we good boys ;-)

Welcome to my paradise island...


The Miracle Kids

No clams here.

My teeth are whiter than yours....

Come to papa

Don't I look cute?

Flying high

Two more years of study? Ok, may be three.

Can you do like me?

Let Nomad do all the work :-)

Look at me.

Wait, we didn't kiss yet.

Young fisherman in training.

Got my limit for the day.

Uh, hello.

I caught the biggest!

I'm hungry
 7/6 - On the last day of our trip, the Wiz, Miss Princessa, and JU did a dark thirty run.  We fished at Chrystal Spring.  The Wiz and MP fished by the bridge while JU hiked downstream in the direction of Woodsford.  A quarter of a mile down, JU brought out his secret weapon, the fish killer, yellow banana with red poka dot Z-RAY!  First cast: fish on.  After a few seconds, JU got a look at the 8 incher before it shooked off.  A few casts later in the same pool, another hookup!  The fish fought hard, it was a beautiful 15 incher.  Unfortunately, it went air borne and spat out the hook.  Several more casts, and another one gobbled the Z!  The third one didn't fight as hard and was brought to hand easily.  To JU's disappointment, the Brook Trout or maybe Brown Trout was not much bigger than the Z.  It was released for another day.  Since JU didn't want to get wet and he did not have his waders, he headed back.  He met up with Wiz and MP at the bridge.  It was not yet 7 am and MP already landed 2!

Already landed two!

Fish lives here

Fish here too :-)

We moved on the Woodsford Bridge.  Once again JU hiked downstream to fish while Wiz and MP fished by the bridge.  By the bridge, Wiz and MP had hook ups, but none was landed.  Downstream, JU did better.  Almost every other cast with the Z resulted in a hook up!  Three were landed and a baby was let go.  We were sad, but the fun must end.  We left before 8 am with 4 keepers.

Fish went back down in one of these holes


May God continue to bless America!

Introducing: The Fish Whisperer!

Warning: Do not read this blog on a Monday morning if you wish to be productive.  You have been warned.


The Origin of the Fish Whisperer

While fishing at his favorite fishing place in the Sierras Mountain Range, Dave was bitten by a radioactive leech.  Afterwards, when he went fishing, fish cannot resist his call.  He first discovered his power while fishing at Indian Creek Reservoir where a big 3 pounder trout wrapped itself around his fishing line.  He successfully landed the trout.  His fishing buddies were amazed thinking that it was a once in a life time ordeal until he repeated the process by landing another big trout that wrapped itself around his fishing line at the Carson River.

Team United, Inc. welcomes the Fish Whisperer!  Following is his fishing report:

July 1st - My brother & I went to ICR for morning bite, he caught 3 & I caught 8.  After lunch in the shade we went to Caples.  After 5 minutes of fishing I caught a nice 2-3lb rainbow.  We camped there in my favorite spot and ended up with a total of 5 big rainbows & 2 smaller ones.  My brother in law caught 3 big ones.  Yesterday morning I caught 2 more big ones & a few smaller ones.  On the way home we stopped at Silver lake.  We caught a few smaller ones & did some swimming.  It was a funtrip for just one night.  Didn’t see any crawdads this trip, but still blessed with an amazing catch!

Caples Lake, Fish 1 - 6/29
Caples Lake, Fish 2 - 6/29
Caples Lake, Stringer - 6/29
Caples Lake, Stringer - 6/30
Caples Lake, Sunrise 1 - 6/30
Caples Lake, Sunrise 2 - 6/30