
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Delta Bass Fishing

I woke up at 4:30 AM this morning.  Yes, I was a little bit excited!!!  I got to go fishing with GMF!

Our plan was to do some fishing at Folsom Lake.  I got to Broadway Bait & Tackle to buy some minnows, but was told that the minnows from the last shipment died!!!

"No more minnows," said the staff.

Okay, I was so early, I got time to go to another bait shop, the one that I use to go to anyway.  I went to Romeo's Bait & Tackle on Freeport Blvd.

"Sold out.  Maybe tomorrow...." Said the man.

I went to another bait shop on the same street, Delta Bait & Tackle.  What?!?!  It was 6:30 AM and the shop was not open!

Dejected, I met up at GMF's home with no minnows :-(

"That's okay.  We'll try a different place, using different techniques."  Said GMF.

Thus, began my journey of many "firsts" again :-)

o   First time launching out of New Hope Landing RV Park & Marina.
o   First time using Rat-L-Trap lure to target Bass and had great success.
o   First time catching a crappie.  Yes, that is a type of fish.  Look it up....

After trying a bunch of different techniques, GMF got me into fish quickly using Rat-L-Trap lipless crankbait.  Together, easily, we must have released more than a dozen undersized bass.  GMF managed to boat two fat bass, while JU landed his first ever crappie!!!

Fatter when compared with Folsom Lake bass.

JU's first ever crappie
Here is a one minute video summary of another blessed day!

Peace out,