
Sunday, January 25, 2015

One Day Late

Yesterday, the PRO and his cousin drifted.  The old adage of beginner's luck held true.  His cousin made it looked easy landing steelies in the American River.  I saw the pictures on his cell phone.  If he sends me copies, I'll post it here.

Today, we began our drift at the same time and location from Sunrise to Rossmoor, but the result was different.  We managed to hook the only fish of the day on worm behind a jet diver above the San Juan rapids.  The fish came off half way to the boat.  It was a tough fishing day for most of the fishermen we spoke with on the American River.  Weather wise, I'm glad I got sunblock on :-)

Until next time...

Upstream from San Juan rapids
Downstream from San Juan rapids

The following video shows me putting the roe smack in the hole below the San Juan rapids as we drifted through it.  I was attempting to hit a big steelie over the head, but missed :-)


  1. I dig the music! :)

  2. The music would have been sweeter if there was a lunker at the end of the fishing line :-(
