
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Good Bye Summer


I have been busy trying to squeeze all the spare time with my children before school starts.  Boohoo, it started yesterday for us.

I dropped of my second daughter in Minnesota by driving 1,900 miles; and then, flew home.  It was a tiring trip because it was not a sight seeing or fishing trip, but rather a "get me there quick I gotta start working" kinda trip....

I managed to drive through four States and its Capitals: Salt Lake City, Utah; Cheyenne, Wyoming; Lincoln, Nebraska; and, Des Moines, Iowa.

God is Good!

Driving through Laramie, Wyoming, we saw this tribute to President Lincoln, the bronze head weighs over two tons and is 13.5 feet tall. It's perched atop a 30-foot granite pedestal.

Of all places, driving through rural Nebraska, we saw this Cabela's sign!

The state's nickname, "Land of 10,000 Lakes."  There are 11,842 Minnesota lakes over 10 acres (4 ha) in size. 

Here is one of those 10,000 lakes down the street from where my daughter lives.

I forgot which State this was, but there was a Walmart with an underground parking garage and an underground main entrance.  I am wondering how customers will get in when snow falls...

Finally, back at home with my best friend from High School, we managed the last "Fishing Friday" of the summer!

May God bless your day!

Is it salmon fishing season yet?😀😁😂

Thursday, August 2, 2018

JU & MM - 29 Years

"We can't be poor if we have each other." --JU and Mrs. Miracles.

Blessed to be married 29 years and have six children.  That's more legal fishing limits 😂

God is Good!!!