"You make plans, but God orders your steps!" Well, the actual words taken from Proverbs 16:9 are, "The human heart plans the way,
but the L
ORD directs the steps."
That's one of the things I learned while attending my daughter's graduation. Yes, one down... and... FIVE to go?!?!? Just, kidding. I am blessed to be given the opportunity to be a servant leader to my children. I am beaming with happiness and joy at their success.
The Plan: Drive to North Dakota for the eldest daughter's graduation and on the way back to California, bring home the third daughter and twin cousins.
It seems like an easy plan. I also brought my fishing pole and tackle box... just in case :-)
Coffee break :-) |
Walmart Camping
We left California early Wednesday (4/26) morning leaving behind beautiful weather. We stopped by Winnamucca, NV for gas; then onto Elko, NV, for our next gas-up. At Elko it started raining, which we had prepared for because it was forecasted. We quickly left for Idaho Falls, ID, because the weather would not be as severe, according to the same forecast source. We arrived at Idaho Falls after driving 760 miles. We headed to "your friendly neighborhood Walmart" and put up our cardboard shields for JU's Fish Mobile. It was around midnight and I conked out until 6 AM. Woke up, bought breakfast and drinks at the same Walmart as a sign of my appreciation for a place to sleep. I have heard about how most Walmart stores allow people to sleep in the parking lot and I researched this particular Walmart to make sure that it was permissible. My overall experience? If you have a comfy vehicle, it would be a very good option!
Structure in Idaho Falls. |
Snow in Montana, heat in Cali
The following day, Thursday, (4/27), we still had another 750 miles to go and the mid-point would be Billings, MT. But first, we planned to make it to Bozeman, MT, for gas and potty break. We were in for a BIG surprise as we approached W. Yellowstone, MT. It started snowing. As we proceeded, the snow got thicker. At one point, the Fish Mobile slipped slightly. That was the warning for me that the road might be icy. Having no chains and only front wheel-drive, I started to worry. By that time, a big heavy duty truck drove through the same road. I followed the truck for the several hours of snow. The truck created a nice traction for the Fish Mobile to follow. It was an awesome sight to witness in late April, snow covered pine trees with thick snow on the ground.
Still Christmas? I thought we are celebrating Easter :-) |
Bozeman, MT - still with snow. |
The Hampton Inn
We arrived in ND late Thursday night and booked with the Hampton Inn, one of our favorite hotels to stayed at. Deprived with sleep, but not so much that I would miss the early breakfast provided Friday morning as a part of the stay :-)
Can't miss this breakfast ;-) |
Can someone tuck me in? |
The Move
I thought the children were already packed and ready to move their stuff to storage. I am a little bit mistaken. I spent all Friday helping the children and their friends move their extra stuff into a nearby storage, which TEN kids shared!!! Well, at least the price is right: $30 per kid for the entire summer! They are using their coconut heads :-) Also, helped second daughter move her sofa into her apartment for the summer. Not sure if this was my plan, but the LORD definitely directs this step :-)
The Graduation - Saturday, 4/29
Finally the day arrived when the eldest of six graduated!!!!!!! Each exclamation point is a future call for a pay back :-) I'm gonna need some physical therapy in the future :-)
DPT - Doctor of Party Time! |
Left to right: 3rd dau., niece, adopted dau., eldest dau.,2nd dau., youngest dau., niece. |
The Trek Home
We attended the Vigil Mass in ND, grab a quick bite to eat, and started our trek home. I had my wife, two daughters, and two nieces in the JU Fish Mobile. The extra seat was stuffed to the ceiling of the van with things the girls wanted to bring back! And I thought it was a light trip :-) That was my plan.
The Flat Tire
A few more stops for potty breaks and gas, and I found myself traveling near Livingston, MT, at 4 AM. Suddenly, the Garmin directed me to take an exit. May be I was dazed from all the driving, but I followed the instruction. But after exiting the freeway, I realized that I was not at Bozeman, MT, our destination. My wife assured me that she punched in Bozeman, MT. But, I was so tired, I just wanted to take a quick power nap and figure it out when I wake up. I pulled over to a residential home and parked in front of it to take a quick nap. Fifteen minutes later, I woke up and wanted to continue on to Bozeman, MT, which is around 30 miles away. I started up the engine, drove, and noted the funny sound that the tire was making. I pulled over to a nearby parking lot out of harm's way to check the tires. I got a flat on the driver's rear tire! Thank You LORD for directing this step. I don't believe I could have made another mile much less 30 miles to Bozeman. A quick call to AAA roadside service and they sent me an angel. The tow truck man, Phil, came within 30 minutes, and installed the spare tire for us.
"Do I need to sign anything?"
"Nope, you're good to go... Have a safe trip." Said Phil. Then he said that he was a hugger and gave my wife and I a hug before sending us on our merry way :-)
The Costco Incident - Sunday, 4/30
I found out there was a Costco in Bozeman, MT. Since I purchased the tires at a Costco in Cali in January 2017, I thought I would wait for the Costco in Bozeman to open up and replace my flat tire before continuing on. We arrived in Bozeman and got our breakfast at McDonald to go. I wanted to be the first one in line when Costco opened up. I was the first one to arrive in the parking lot at around 7:30 AM, but Costco didn't open until 10 AM, according to the sign. I fell asleep, woke up, and I saw another man drive up around 8:30 AM. He lined up!!! What!!! I got out of my vehicle and made conversation with the man and found out that the tire shop actually opens at 9:30 AM. So now, I'm second in line :-(
"It's all good, I just wanted to have all good tires for my trek home."
The final analysis from the Costco technician:
"Yes, your tire is shot and is under warranty. We can replace it for free: unfortunately, we don't have the same tire in stock. We can give you a full refund and you can try to check with Walmart down the street to see if they have it in stock. Meanwhile, we will retighten all your wheel nuts and inflate the tires to the proper air pressure."
Thank God the spare tire is a full-sized tire. So I, after a short prayer, decided to continue on home.... Another thousand miles to go....
Another thousand miles to go.... |
The Deer Incident
We drove another ten hours and had just entered Nevada. My third daughter was at the wheel. She was giving me a much needed rest from driving. At around 8 PM, while there was still day light, it happened. A family of deer started to cross the freeway where the speed limit is 70 MPH. My daughter stepped on the brakes! She avoided the first four deer, but not the fifth one! The fifth deer tried to jump over our van and found out that it did not make the clearance.... It quickly made a U-Turn in midair and kicked the driver side window with its hind hoof!!! The window was shattered into thousands of pieces!!! But once again, the LORD intervened!!! Not one piece of glass harmed us. At that close range and all my daughter got was a tiny cut near the hand. GOD IS GOOD!!!
When it was safe to pull over, we did. Then came a couple behind us. They said they witnessed the whole thing and just wanted to check for our safety. They provided a plastic sheet for us to cover the broken window. They told us to drive to the nearest gas station about twenty miles down the road and buy some duct tape to tape the make-shift window.
I took over driving with my right hand while holding down the plastic with my left hand. It's a good thing my JU power was at maximum strength because it was not an easy task :-) We made it to the gas station before my left arm fell off.... I bought all four roles of duct tape (they only had small ones available) at the gas station and started to tape the window. The same couple that helped us by the freeway showed up again at the gas station. They helped us with the duct taping of the window. Again, they gave us hugs and sent us on our way. GOD IS GOOD!!!
I needed JU's polarized vision to see through this mess for 500 miles :-) |
Since this blog is getting long and I am getting tired, I will summarize the trek as follows.
We made it home safely. I didn't get to fish :-( My mechanic was able to fix the windows for $100. Costco was able to give me a new tire for $1.08!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!
More views from the trip:
Peace out - JU