
Friday, August 26, 2016

Young Master Fisherman Showing Us How It's Done

Every now and then, I need to write less and just let the pictures tell the story.  So here are the pictures....

29 lbs.

25 lbs.

And Young Master is only 13 years old!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

So Near, But Yet So Far...

It's been six years since I caught and released my first wild steelhead in the American River!  It is only a 20-minute drive from my home; but somehow, I am not there as often as I'd like.

Last Monday, 8/15, I had an opportunity to visit Master Kaster, who lives a few miles from the American River, much closer than I.  He decided to take me to a bass pond next to the American River and do some fishing.  Unfortunately, in our excitement, he brought everything except for lines in his reel :-)  Thus, we spent the day scouting around.

Turtles just chilling....

The bass pond

Master Kaster

According to, "After an owl eats the small rodents, birds, and bugs that are a part of its nightly diet, its stomach cannot digest the fur, bones, teeth, feathers, and insect shells from that food. These “extra” parts are formed into a tight PELLET inside the owl and are then are later SPIT UP by the owl."

According to Master Kaster, these are owl pellets.

A good place to bury your pet!?!?

Master Kaster identifying poison oak along the trail.

I got everything except my fishing lines, "Doh!"

More cool scenes....

Beautiful bass pond.

After looking at the bass pond, Master Kaster showed me his favorite fishing spots in the American River, where he caught stripers, steelhead, and salmon, in the past.

American River Fishing Hole #1.

American River Fishing Hole #2

Afterwards, we ate lunch at the Sunflower Drive-In, a local mom & pop restaurant established in 1978.  The restaurant is known for its "Nutty Tacos."
We ate lunch here.

I was running out of time, but since the Sportsman's Warehouse was along my way home, I had to visit :-)
Along the way home :-)

I'll be more prepared to fish next time....

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Up to the Mountain, JU!

I didn't look at the weather forecast for SacTown yesterday because I went up to the mountain instead.  My beloved mountain where I have explored for the past 25 years; and yet, there is always something new and exciting every single time I am blessed to make a reacquaintance.  For instance, yesterday, I got to visit three lakes that I have never been to.  I fished in two of the lakes and caught fish in both!  The access to the lakes is by dirt roads that would normally deter me; fortunately, WizTech took his 4x4 vehicle.  Even at that, to get to one of the lakes, we had to hike a two-mile round trip with a 7-year-old.  Good thing "little j" is a great outdoors person.  She must hang around with some cool dudes :-)

Testing out the panorama feature of my cell phone.

Still pretty cold at 8:15 AM.

Second Lake - Destination in sight!  Just hike down a few rocks :-)

I don't know, dad.  You may have to give me a piggy back ride.

Darn.  Free water taxi and we forgot to bring our oars and life vests.

Maybe the fishing is better on the other side, JU.

This is pretty awesome.

Another free water taxi?

Uh, don't touch that rock.

Beautiful native brookie that was caught and released safely.

14" native Cutbow that's going into the frying pan.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

The Z-Ray Is Back!

Did I mention that the Z-Ray is back?  I am still excited because this is my go-to number ONE lure for trout and steelhead.  I modified it a little by swapping out the treble hook for a single hook; but hey, whatever makes you happy....

You can get your Z-Ray here:

Here's a report from Mr. Pickles (Friday, 7/29/2016), "Great lure. My first cast with the Zray after try drifting worms 10 times at First bridge."

Here's proof that it doesn't have to be a Yellow Z :-)