
Monday, October 26, 2015

Prayers Answered :-)

On Thursday, October 22nd, I went jigging for salmon in the Sacramento River again with my dad and brother.  I prayed for three things: 1. that we as a team would catch a fish, 2. that we would get a salmon, and 3. that we would have a safe and blessed fishing trip.

My Father is very loving and humorous.  I got my first prayer answered shortly after jigging.  Here's the fish that I caught.
Fish barely bigger than my lure!?!??
My dad was laughing at my expense.  He dubbed my fish: "The unlucky fish!"  All day long, he reminded me of how my first fish was the sign of the rest of the day.  Every time he ribbed me, he was laughing.  So I called on my Father to send us a salmon.

Early in the morning, we helped these three fishermen out because their boat wouldn't start.  The battery was drained.  They were about to go home for the day.  Fortunately, my brother had just purchased a brand new backup battery the night before.  We loaned them the battery and took off.  Their boat is the one on the left.
Boat to the left landed 5 salmon!
At the end of the day, we met up with the boat that we loaned the battery to.  They caught five salmon!!!  They gave us a beautiful silver bullet hen.  There's the answer to my prayer for a salmon :-)

Finally, we called it quits around 1:30 PM having only "catch and release" of the tiny fish from the early morning.  Every time I am out fishing with my 87 year old dad and my brother the "Captain," I truly thank my Heavenly Father for the blessing!  The weather was fantastic.  My dad was having a great time at telling me of how my "unlucky fish" ruined our day :-)  What a blessed day!
I know where I inherited my mischievousness from

Beautiful water

Beautiful day

Friday, October 2, 2015

September Came and Went

So I've traveled another 1,500 miles to drop off one daughter at school in the Dakotas and send off another to Rome for a study abroad program.

I'm now back home teaching a high school senior, a sophomore, a fifth grader, and a first grader!  I'm blessed to be breathing!

I managed two fishing outings with dad and big bro.  Last week, we went fishing for striped bass and instead caught a large mouth.  And yesterday, we went trolling for salmon in the Sac. River and caught TWO large mouth on salmon plugs!!!  May be we should join a Bass Fishing Tournament?!?!

I had an opportunity to visit the Bass Pro Shop in Rocklin.  You know I was a kid in a candy store.

Since I'm writing this during lunch time and it's almost over, I gotta go....  Enjoy the pictures and video.

Donning my Uncle JU look :-)

Snake River in Idaho

From the plane on the way back to Sac.

What are these circles?

Cool video of Snake River: